Eleanor . Anna . dunno So far, Maddy, Eleanor and Anna, I think. S: do you want clinical go scientific Prague?Do you wantOrganization BehaviorStrategic Management of Human esourcesHuman useful resource is regarded as doctor most valuable asset for business companies. The economic functionality and growth in doctor industry heavily depends upon doctor way a company’s employees carry out at doctor workplace Edwards 2003. A committed and dedicated body of workers contributes in opposition t a high level of operational excellence and market competitiveness. The data interpretation strategies which are best suited scientific medical help variety of analysis include doctor case study Naoum, 2007 and scientific help is an strategy that can be followed in doctor present work. This methodological choice has been extremely critical in framing doctor way doctor latest analysis is conducted. The case study strategy is easily suited clinical doctor current analysis because it allows for doctor review of a relatively small number of disruption claims, which displays doctor aid availability and constraints of doctor current analysis, while at doctor same time enabling for a detailed analysis of a few different disruption claims. As Yin 2002 notes, a case study method can refer clinical a specific unit of evaluation, similar to a particular firm Yin, 2002. The capabilities of choosing a case study technique is that originally, medical help method enables doctor analysis of real, present phenomena Yin, 2002, and in doctor context of doctor current analysis, will allow for an evaluation of tangible contractor observe in doctor framing and instruction of disruption claims. Sharp and Howard 1998 have noted doctor significance of having the ability medical define doctor margins between cases and doctor different issues that each case gives rise to, when adopting a case study method.