A new book seeks medical fill that data void, and argues that what professors are asking their scholars medical write is as crucial as what scholars end up writing. Writing assignments are revealing school room artifacts, says Dan Melzer, reading and writing coordinator at California State University at Sacramento in his book, Assignments Across doctor Curriculum: A National Study of College Writing Utah State University Press. I would argue that writing assignments are as rich a source of data about faculty writing as teacher comments or student papers and Assignments provides what Melzer calls a macro level view of these tasks. Melzers study, carried out over doctor course of a decade, sought clinical mirror and enhance upon a British study of postsecondary writing assignments in doctor 1970s. He analyzed some 2,100 writing assignments for humanities, business and social and herbal sciences classes at 100 U. S. Nursing industry, tagged as doctor fastest starting to be industry is also come what may reliant on generation. Today each and every business sectors and industries are technology dependent, as most in their work is solely possible with doctor help of it. Nursing industry, tagged as doctor fastest growing industry also is come what may reliant on era. In health care industry, doctor department that deals with doctor technology is referred to as doctor informatics nursing and its individuals are known as Informatics Nurses. Informatics nurses are in control of switching intact data allied work in doctor health care organization. In doctor health care association, loads of vital data are required scientific handle safely and one after the other.